SGIMB Church Financial Confession
Almighty Living God I know that You have a financial plan for all believers called Tithes and Offerings. At this moment, I set my body, soul, and spirit to tap into your financial plan for me. Satan will not rob me anymore in my finances. In the name of Jesus Christ by faith, because of Jehovah-Jierh, I am at this moment planting my financial seeds into the Kingdom of God’s field. I am doing this because I know that this is a Biblical Truth, and I set my heart to obey the Holy Word. I also know that it is a biblical truth that in return for my financial faithfulness, God is supplying all my needs and above all my needs. I believe at this moment You are raising up somebody, somewhere, to use their power, ability, and influence to help me. In Jesus name, I hold fast to my confession and covenant in Your financial plan.
As We give our Tithes & Offerings today Malachi 3:10 states: “Test Me in this.” “It’s now Tithes & Offerings Time, and I will give “Cheerfully, Willfully, and Freely, Amen.