Who We Are

Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church was originated from a humble beginning through a vision of Brother Fardom Harrington. Brother Harrington and other dedicated community leaders, faith in God resulted in our church being established. “Trusting and believing that God would see them through,” our Church began approximately 300 feet northwest of our present site in the yard of Brother Harrington under bushes in a bush harbor.
Church services were conducted in this bush harbor for an extended time. As the number of worshippers and funds increased, the time arrived for God’s people to have a better place to worship. A small boarded church was built near our present cemetery. A wood stove provided heat and lanterns and candles were used for lighting.
In later years, under the leadership of Reverend P.C. Covington, a new church was built of red brick at our present site. Worship service and Sunday School was held on the first and third Sunday mornings.
While the church had a few deacons, there were no trustees in the early church.
After several years of spiritual leadership, Reverend Covington resigned. Reverend Richardson was called to the pastor and added to the spirituality and prosperity of the church.
Reverend C. J. Cooper was the next under shepherd and was called to pastorate in 1942. Under the dynamic leadership of Reverend Cooper, Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church moved on into the future; adding to the church ministry programs, choirs and activities and more deacons and trustees. A bus was purchased for outreach services. Sunday School continued every Sunday morning. Morning worship services continued on the first and third Sundays and Vesper Service was added to our church programs. Revivals were spiritual awakenings and at times a week long revival would be continued into another week. Baptism Service was after the revival and was conducted at the nearest stream or creek. Reverend Cooper saw a need to have a baptismal pool inside the church. In 1948, by the will of God, Silver Grove was blessed with a baptismal pool. The pool was used for the first time in August of that year. Reverend Richard McPhatter, Jr., and Jimmy Morrisey were the first two to be baptized in the pool. The early 1960’s Reverend Cooper organized a Young Women’s Club with the late Annie Y. McKinnon elected as president. The present pulpit furniture, the brick bulletin sign that was in the front yard of the church was purchased by the Women’s Club. During Reverend Cooper’s leadership, the church was renovated inside and out and plans were made to build a Fellowship Hall with a kitchen, dining area, restrooms and classrooms. Reverend Cooper resigned after 28 years of dedicated service to return to his home church, Solid Rock as full time Pastor.

Reverend W.K. Mitchell was called to the pastorate at Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church in 1967 and the blessings of God continued with the spirituality of the church increasing. It was during Reverend Mitchell’s tenure as pastor, that Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church became a stationary church with a centralized treasurer. Also, the prior plans to build a Fellowship Hall became a reality by the will of God. During the Dynamic leadership of Reverend W. K. Mitchell, the church installed a central air and heating system, purchased a van for outreach service, purchased building and land adjacent to the church property, installed new carpet and pews, and acquired a copy machine and freezer. The baptismal pool was remodeled, a new front door was installed and safety rails for the balcony was installed. The landscaping of the church grounds was accomplished with the addition of sidewalks and the cross that stands in the front yard was put there by Brother John Ferguson. All of this was accomplished through dedication and a trust and faith in God. Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church celebrated our origin and history in 1995 and adopted the year 1900 as the official year of origination. A spirit filled service was held and the Committee prepared a 95th Anniversary – First Celebration Book. We thank God for the work of that Committee; it laid a foundation for the church to continue the rich history of Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church and to continue to celebrate our illustrious history, our heritage and to acknowledge those who have gone on to serve the Lord before us. Since then two more Anniversary Booklets have been prepared the second in 2005 and the third in 2010. The offerings and donations from our 95th Anniversary – First Celebration, through God’s blessings, made it possible for us to pave our parking lot. Reverend Mitchell resigned from Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church to enter into retirement. He served 30 years at Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church. A pulpit committee was formed and God blessed us with a group of dedicated Christians that worked diligently with his guidance and through the Holy Spirit to seek a new Pastor.
After much prayer, meditation and skillful searching, the committee recommended to the church the Reverend J. Warren Parsons in August of 1998. Under Pastor Parsons dynamic leadership many changes have taken place. In 2003 the following Deacons were added to the Deacon Ministry: Larry Fellows, William Kelly, Charlie Sanders, Jack Galberth and Robert Singletary. Sister Kathryn McPhatter was Church Secretary at that time. Sister Mary Singletary later became church secretary, she served until August of 2007. In September of 2007 Sister Elaine Shaw was named Church Clerk/Secretary, and Sister Irene Dockery was name Corresponding Secretary. Pastor Parsons also appointed Deacon Ronald Scurry as our first Church Accountant. In 2008, our Deacon Ministry increased with the addition of four more Deacons: Bruce Morrison, Ronald Scurry, Robert Merkerson and Larry McPhatter and reinstatement of a former Deacon – Deacon Samuel Monroe. Also, the Laymen League Ministry was reorganized. Our Trustee Ministry has increased in numbers, to include Women Trustees. We have added Spring and Fall Revivals to our annual calendar. Our teaching ministry has increased with the addition of a monthly session for Ministers, Deacons, Deaconess and the membership. Also, we have the addition of our weekly upper room Devotion, wherein Pastor Parsons teaches the teachers. In October of 2009 Pastor Parsons began a Family Enrichment Workshop Series.
This year Pastor Parsons has formed 3 new Ministries: A Singleness Ministry, Women in Christian Ministry and a Minister’s Wives and Widows Ministry.

In keeping up with the times we now have one morning Worship Service at 10:00 A.M. In November 2016 Pastor Parsons reorganized the Children Church Ministry lead by Minister Leila N. Blue for our children ages 0-17. Our Music Ministry has increased with musicians and the purchase of a new organ, electric piano and drums, we added a new keyboard in late 2013, which have made a significant contribution to the worship service and has indeed allowed us to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Three choirs have been formed the Choral Ensemble Choir, Trinity Praise Choir and Shekinah Glory Choir. The Children’s Mass Choir was renamed the Alpha Mass Choir. In March 2014, the Choral Ensemble Choir, Trinity Praise Choir and Shekinah Glory Choir were joined together and the new name for the choir is now The SGIMBC Straight Gate Choir under the direction of our Minister of Music, Miss Stephanie Mayer from November 2013 until June 2014. Later, Brother Ramell Brooks served as Minister of Music from May 2015 until January 2016. In February 2017 Pastor Parsons started a new choir and named it SGIMBC Glad Tidings Choir and the SGIMBC Alpha Mass Choir will be the Children Church Ministry.
Silver Grove opened its door for a summer youth camp provided by Christian Arts Academy (CAA). This camp allowed the youth to receive training in voice, piano, dance, drama, art and drums. Our Morning Worship service was revised to include a Praise and Worship period to enhance the overall worship experience for everyone. Pastor Parsons has added a Worship Leader, where the Associate Ministers of the Church serve in to help with the Praise and Worship. A Message of Exhortation has been also added to the Service where the Deacons give a few words of exaltation and encouragement. In 2010, Pastor Parsons organized an Audio Visual, and Ministerial Alliance Committee and two Praise Dance Ministries (Youth and Adult) to Minister during our Praise and Worship Experience. There is now a Budget Committee and a Property and Space Committee to assist the Pastor as needed in these key areas. We have purchased new furniture for the Pastor’s study, and the church has provided computers in the church offices which will greatly assist us for overall church operations. Pastor Parsons saw the need to assign a new kitchen committee to assist with the current committee.
Renovations have been made to the Kitchen storage, Church storage and the breezeway from the church to the fellowship hall. A new heating and cooling system was purchased for the fellowship hall and a new bulletin sign for the front of the church. God has blessed us with new lighting fixtures in the sanctuary for easier reading of the scriptures and a new sound system to better hear and understand the message of our dynamic Pastor and leader. We have had new carpet installed, our pews have been refinished and covered with cloth cushions for comfort of our congregation. In 2010, we added our Audio Visual room and purchased a video camera, dvd recorder, new computer, hard drive and dvd/cd duplicator, which will enable us to preserve our rich history for future generations. The Audio Visual Ministry has allowed Pastor Parsons to extend his sermons into series and also, minister to our sick and shut-in. No new purchases were made in 2011, we had some work done in the church grounds with the removal of two trees. In 2018 two new heating/ac units were installed, and this year we are in the process of implementing a church website spear headed by Pastor Parsons and Sister Adella Purcell, which should be up and running sometime this year. After a few years of dedicated spiritual leadership, it was Pastor Parson’s vision for the church to enter a building project. As Christian believers and unwavering faith in God, we entered a building project and building committees were formed. In August of 2002 Deacon Bernis McLauchlin and Deacon William Kelly found some land and we purchased approximately 10 acres located on Turnpike Road, near Highway 211 West. A sign now stands on the property that reads “Future Site of Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church.” In 2005 the church decided on a general contractor and a Letter of Intent has been signed. In March of 2012, Pastor Parsons and a number of concerned members met with a new building Contractor about a new church edifice. A new preliminary drawing has been drawn and sent to the church to review. The expectation that is envisioned is to have a 250 seating edifice with a Baptistery and Fellowship Hall. Also envisioned is a church website and updated technology in the new building. The history of this church stands as evidence that with God’s will and divine guidance, nothing is impossible when you put God first in all of your endeavors and follow his chosen leaders. “We walk by faith and not by sight” and as we walk with faith and do no work our “faith without works” is dead. In 2012, Pastor Parsons envisioned the church to add the word “Immanuel” to the Church name. {Which means, “God With Us.”} This was approved on November 15, 2015 during Church Council Business Meeting. Elaine F. Marshall, Secretary of State of North Carolina, do by hereby certify the following and hereto attached to be a true copy of Articles Of Amendment Of Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church, INC. Which changed its name to Silver Grove Immanuel Missionary Baptist Church, INC. The original of which was filed in Hoke County Office on the 9th of December, 2015 and is in our Church records. Our Church Name is now Silver Grove Immanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. This time last year We were working with N-Vision Accounting and Management Services to prepare paperwork to process a loan which has been approved, for a new edifice. We had our Groundbreaking Ceremony on April 24, 2017. Our new edifice is under construction and we anticipate moving to our new House of Worship soon.
Our Church History is a “Living Monument” and the state of our unity year 2020 is blessings. Perhaps, in the future when our members ask their fathers, “what do these “Living Stones” mean? Our Church History will be able to make this informative statement to them, “We Crossed Over This Way.”